PRP ve Ozon Tedavi

What is PRP?

PRP therapy is a non-surgical form of treatment used to treat tendon, ligament, muscle and joint injuries. PRP therapy uses injections of a concentration of the patient's own platelets to speed up the healing process and tissue regeneration while reducing inflammation in the treated area.

PRP consists of plasma (the liquid part of blood) and platelets containing growth factors that can trigger cell proliferation and stimulate tissue regeneration. To obtain PRP, a blood sample is taken from the patient and placed in a device called a centrifuge, which spins the sample rapidly, separating the platelets from other components of the blood (for example, red blood cells and white blood cells, which cause inflammation) and concentrating them in plasma.

Once a high concentration of platelets has been achieved, this solution is then injected into the target area to accelerate the release of growth factors, where the increased concentration of growth factors can further stimulate the healing process and accelerate tissue regeneration by up to 50%, resulting in a shorter healing time and reduced pain in the damaged area. Recommendations will be made by specialists to achieve the best possible result.

What are the Benefits of PRP Treatment?

Leaves no artificial residues on the body

No allergic reactions or adverse effects since the patient's own blood is used

After treatment, healing is accelerated.

  • Supports detoxification
  • Offers anti-aging and rejuvenating effects
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • Reduces the acidity of the body
  • Inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells

Ozone Therapy

 With more than 150 years of history and an important role in wound healing during World War I, ozone therapy has a long-standing legacy in medical treatments. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities in this treatment, which is administered in our state-of-the-art, comfortable facilities under the watchful eyes of our skilled team of nurses.

Key Benefits of Ozone Therapy at Well Off Grace:

  • Improves immune system functionality.
  • Increases cellular oxygen levels.
  • It directly eliminates bacteria and viruses.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body.

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