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Breast Augmentation

Everyone has different beauty standards. At Well Off Grace, we perform breast augmentation by taking into account different ratios according to each person's physical condition.

Breast surgery methods vary. Depending on different body shapes and conditions, WOG surgeons will choose the best surgical procedure to create the beauty and satisfaction you want.

Although breast symmetry is taken into account during surgery, the shape of the breast after surgery may be asymmetrical depending on the person's lifestyle or breast tissue. For example, right-handed people use their right arm more often. Also, the heart is located on the left side of the chest. And the use of the chest muscles is different for each person.

Therefore, special bras must be used. In order to maintain the breast shape after surgery, Well Off Grace Surgery will provide you with a corset bra at no additional cost.

Many patients are concerned about pain after breast surgery. This pain is often caused by bleeding and tissue damage during surgery. Well Off Grace reduces tissue damage to reduce pain, and there are also medications (intercostal anesthesia) and painkillers to relieve pain in the nerves between the ribs after surgery. The patient feels almost no pain and can be discharged from hospital on the day of surgery.

Well Off Grace offers a wide range of breast implants for its patients. Your surgeon will select the type of silicone implant that should be used according to the anatomical structure of each of our patients and the expectation of the operation.

Implants from Allergan, Mentor, Motiva, Silimed, Polytech, etc. have been proven to be safe.

Practices and Precautions before/after Breast Surgery

  • Medication use: Avoid taking medicines that affect blood clotting for at least 2 weeks before surgery.
  • Use antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers continuously for 1 week after surgery.
  • Take anti-fibrosis medication continuously for 1-3 months after surgery (as recommended by your doctor).
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol: Avoid smoking and alcohol at least 2 weeks before surgery. Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least 1 month after surgery.
  • Pain Use painkillers after surgery.
  • Life after surgery: You can resume your normal life 2-3 days after surgery.
  • Do not take a bath: You can wash your face/clean the lower body area immediately. And you can take a normal shower 2-3 days after surgery.
  • Exercise: Light exercise such as walking can be done immediately after surgery. However, avoid strenuous exercise such as swimming, aerobic dancing or tennis for at least 1-2 months after surgery.

Breast Reduction

Having breasts that are too large can make the shape appear asymmetrical. Heavy and sagging breasts are also a major cause of neck, shoulder and back pain and breast reduction surgery will help to reduce the size and shape. Breast reduction surgery, with the knowledge and experience of your surgeon, will make you happy by leading you to the desired result.


Breast enlargement or Gynecomastia in men is usually caused by the accumulation of breast fat. It can occur at any age due to hormonal influences (estrogen and androgen imbalance) and sometimes due to obesity, which has nothing to do with hormones.

This operation is performed by liposuction or removal of excess mammary gland tissue. The surgery and recovery period is short. Patients can resume their normal life within a few days. This is at the doctor's discretion.

Many men have experienced temporary breast enlargement during puberty. They disappear during puberty (about 90% of symptoms disappear within 3 years) and most disappear before the age of 20.

Every body is unique and different. The surgical process and procedures may vary depending on your state of health!


Plastic Surgeon

Duration of Surgery

1 - 2 hours



Hospital Accommodation

1 Night

Recovery Time

2 - 3 Days

Hospital and Airport Transfer

Price Includes

Hotel Accommodation

4 nights 3 days (Included in the price)

Stitches Removal Day

Day 7 After Operation

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