Dental Treatments

Combined Treatments

Full mouth rehabilitation refers to a combination of different dental treatments and procedures performed over time to correct a wide range of dental problems and rebuild healthy smiles. Defined as a restorative approach, full mouth rehabilitation aims not only to restore smiles, but also to improve oral health and function while strengthening the tooth structure, including both upper and lower teeth. The customized treatments required for full mouth rehabilitation depend on the individual’s dental problems, ranging from mild to serious issues. Full mouth rehabilitation restores both the appearance and function of teeth and gums, allowing patients to smile more comfortably with greater confidence.

At Well Off Grace, full mouth rehabilitation, combining restorative procedures with cosmetic dentistry, is practiced to offer each individual an optimal smile makeover. Our experienced dentists offer consultations where we can discuss your smile concerns and provide professional advice on the necessary procedures that can help correct dental issues, which will boost your smile confidence and good oral health in the long run.

Why Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation combines aesthetics with restorative dentistry to improve oral health and function as well as the desired appearance of teeth. Full mouth rehabilitation is designed for

  • Correction of broken teeth.
  • Replacing missing teeth.
  • Improving dental functions such as chewing and biting.
  • Increasing self-confidence and restoring a more beautiful smile.
  • Supporting general oral health.

Full mouth rehabilitation is suitable for people with the following dental problems

  • Excessive tooth wear, long-term tooth wear or tooth erosion when teeth start to lose enamel.
  • Nighttime teeth grinding (sleep bruxism), which causes pain or discomfort in the muscles of the mouth, jaw and face.
  • Some dental conditions that go untreated or are treated inappropriately.
  • Long-term poor dental hygiene resulting in multiple affected teeth.
  • Congenital abnormalities that affect enamel formation.

Advantages of Full Mouth Rehabilitation

  • Repairing damaged teeth, such as tooth erosion or wear, relieving pain and desensitizing the tooth.
  • Improvement of dental function, e.g. chewing and cutting, leading to a better appetite.
  • Promotion of an aesthetic appearance.
  • Improving biting and grinding while strengthening the jaw joints and facial muscles.

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