Aesthetic Surgery

Why Should Eating and Drinking Stop Before Anesthesia?

This is an inevitable and challenging aspect of any surgical procedure. It is important to resist the urge to take a sip of water or a small bite of food. Please consider the following: Is it absolutely necessary to refrain from eating and drinking?

The answer is a definite “yes”. You are required to comply with this. It is standard practice to advise patients to refrain from eating and drinking before and after surgery. It is essential that patients abstain from food and drink before surgery to prevent stomach contents from entering the lungs during anesthesia. Such events can cause airway obstruction or serious infections such as pneumonia. It is therefore recommended to observe a fasting period when a patient is scheduled for sleep or general anesthesia (a fasting period of six hours is normally recommended). Please consult your doctor if you have any questions about fasting after surgery. It is recommended to avoid drinking water or eating food immediately after the surgical procedure.

After anesthesia is administered, the body’s organs also become numb and cannot function properly. In light of the residual anesthetic effects, it is advisable to be careful with food and drink immediately after surgery. It should be noted that the effects of anesthesia vary from person to person. Some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness or other symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to consume a small amount of warm water (about one to two hours after surgery) to help ease the stomach.

Patients can continue to eat light meals once they are comfortable. It is not recommended to eat immediately after surgery, as this can cause vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Although there are differences in recommended fasting times, patients undergoing surgery under local anesthesia should know that they do not need to fast. However, patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia should be more careful. Despite the feeling of thirst and hunger, it is important to refrain from eating and drinking, as this is necessary to achieve safe surgical outcomes.

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