Dental Treatments

Recovery Process

Dental implant treatment is a multi-stage process. It includes

  • Examination and Evaluation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implant surgery.
  • Treatment Planning, where CT scans are performed to assess the shape and condition of your jawbone so that the implants can be placed in the optimum position.
  • Treatment Day – the day your dental implant surgery is performed.
  • The dental implant healing process – this usually takes about three months but can be longer. During this time, the dental implant fuses with the bone to form a strong foundation on which a crown (denture) can be attached.
  • Placement of the crown to complete the dental implant process.

The Importance of the Recovery Process After Dental Implant Surgery

The success of dental implants depends on many factors, such as the quality and type of implant, the skill of the surgeon, oral hygiene and general health. Other factors that affect the healing process of a dental implant include medical treatments such as smoking, diabetes or radiation therapy to the head and neck.

Smoking has been shown to be the most important risk factor for the failure of dental implants. Patients with diabetes have a higher risk of developing gum disease, which increases the likelihood of implant failure, and radiation therapy can also delay or impair healing after surgery. Let’s look at how you can help your body heal after dental implant surgery.

1. Watch what you eat

After dental implant surgery, you may need to avoid certain foods that can jeopardize the healing process and the health of the implant or the tissues surrounding it. Inflammation is the enemy of dental implants and consuming foods and drinks high in sodium, sugar or carbohydrates can increase inflammation.

It is very important that you eat the nutritious meals your body needs. Because you are recovering from an operation, you will need extra calories to help your body repair and heal. But you need healthy foods that will provide your body with the nutrition it needs to fight infection and help produce new cells to speed up healing. You will need to eat more protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats during the healing process.

For the first few days following your implant surgery, you will need to stick to a soft food diet that does not require chewing, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt and soup. As your mouth starts to heal, you can gradually introduce solid foods.

It is also wise to avoid hot foods for a week or two as they can irritate the implant site.

2. Maintain Oral Hygiene

We all know that brushing and flossing every day is the most effective way to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy. However, you will probably need to loosen it after dental implant surgery, as you do not want to disturb the implant site until your gum has healed.

While your dentist can help you determine the best oral care routine to follow after your dental implant surgery, did you know that salt water rinsing can help the healing process after oral surgery?

Gently rinsing with salt water helps to clean the wound and remove dried blood or other debris from the area. It also helps to reduce the risk of infection. In addition, salt has been proven to promote healing. When applied to a wound, it draws fluid from the tissue and creates a protective barrier over the area that inhibits bacterial growth. Furthermore, salt is pH neutral and helps regulate the pH balance in the mouth, helping to reduce bacteria.

3. Minimize Swelling

Swelling can cause discomfort and prolong the healing time after dental implants are placed. Your dentist will discuss over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) that can help reduce swelling and minimize pain following the placement of dental implants.

You can also place a cold compress or ice pack on your cheek over the implant site. It is recommended that you do this at 15 minute intervals with a 15 minute break for the first 24 hours after surgery. This can be difficult to achieve if you plan to hold the compress on your face before your hand has cooled down. However, gel face masks may be a better option and can also have a calming effect on your skin.

In conclusion, you can help the healing process of a dental implant after surgery by supporting your body with vitamins and nutrients and avoiding anything that can hinder your recovery.

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